Terms and Privacy Policy
Fishing Traveller
Terms and Privacy Policy
Fishing traveler is a game app that gets played in the android device. Users can enjoy the game by downloading it from the Play Store. Users may not reverse engineer APKs of the application for any purpose or any reason, in which case the user has violated the rules of use of this game application.
This app displays ads on certain sections, the ads provided by third parties. Users can interact with ads, and user interaction with ads will be the responsibility of the users themselves.
User data and permissions
This app can be played offline, or online. In case the user plays online, this app uses the user's google account as the username. Users can choose whether to play offline or online. In case the user plays online, this app uses the user's google account to login into the game and the user can use game features such as Leaderboard and achievement. This app only uses the user's google account name and this app never stores user sensitive data like passwords, and etc. This app requires some permissions that only required for all services in this game to run well.
Internet data usages
In terms of playing games online, this app uses an internet connection for game services to work. Therefore it will cost internet data usages from users.
Hantoo Blaoo Team